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Album Cover
Strand Of Oaks

Album US 2014 on Dead Oceans label
Rock (Indie Rock)

Recorded by Ben Vehorn at Tangering Sound Studios, Akron, OH. Additional recording by Timothy Showalter at his apartment. Vocals for "Same Emotion" [sic] recorded by Jonathan Low at Miner St. Studio, Philadephia, PA. Mixed by John Congleton at Elmwood Recording, Dallas, TX. "Heal" mixed by Ben Vehorn. Guitar Pedals provided by Earthquaker Devices. All songs © 2014 Beaver Oaks Music (ASCAP) © & ℗ 2014 Dead Oceans, Inc. Digital download included.

PortraitStrand Of Oaks , *2003
album by
PortraitTimothy Showalter voc, g, US
producer, produced by, recorded by, additional recording by, songwriter, all songs written by, vocals, guitar, bass, vocals, drum programming, synth, synths, vocals, guitar, synth, synths, vocals, bass, piano, outro piano, synth, synths, guitar, guitars, vocals, bass, piano, guitar, guitars, vocals, piano, guitar, bass, synth, synths, vocals, bass, piano, synth, guitar, guitars, vocals, piano, synth, synths
PortraitJonathan Low p, rec, str, as, US
recorded by, vocals
PortraitSteve Clements ,
drums, synth, string synth, drums, piano, drums, keyboards, synth, synth bass
PortraitJ Mascis g, voc, *1965 US
lead guitar
PortraitBen Vehorn ,
effects, vocal processing
PortraitGabe Schray ,
baritone guitar
Daniel Murphy layout, design
C3 Management management
Ryan Matteson management
Alan Douches mastered by
Ben Vehorn mixed by, producer, produced by, recorded by
John Congleton mixed by
Dusdin Murphy photography by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Goshen '97Strand Of Oaks
2HealStrand Of Oaks
3Same EmotionsStrand Of Oaks
4Shut InStrand Of Oaks
5Woke Up To The LightStrand Of Oaks
6JMStrand Of Oaks
7PlymouthStrand Of Oaks
8Mirage YearStrand Of Oaks
9For MeStrand Of Oaks
10Wait For LoveStrand Of Oaks
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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