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Album Cover
Svend Saaby Choir
Christmas Everywhere

Album DE 1955 on Polydor label

Sub title on backcover and label "A Selection of Christmas Carols from the Old and New World" Stiched coversides (se pic), top opening and and fixed (plastic) inner. Printed in Germany, Inprime en Allemagne, Impreso en Alemania 10.55 Mastered August 1955 see: Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft Pressing Plant

PortraitSvend Saaby Choir ,
album by
PortraitJohan Krohn ,
lyrics by
PortraitBernhard Severin Ingemann , 1789-1862 DK
lyrics by
PortraitPhillips Brooks , 1835-1893 US
lyrics by
PortraitJoseph Mohr , 1792-1848 AT
lyrics by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1The First NoellSvend Saaby Choir
2Maria Auf Dem BergeSvend Saaby Choir
3O, SanctissimaSvend Saaby Choir
4Du Grönne, Glitrende TraeSvend Saaby ChoirJohan Krohn
5Klang, Min Vackra BjällraSvend Saaby ChoirZacharias Topelius
6Quand Dieu Naquit A NoëlSvend Saaby Choir
7Det Kimer Nu Til JulefestSvend Saaby ChoirBernhard Severin Ingemann
8Voici La NoëlSvend Saaby Choir
9Rise Up, ShepherdsSvend Saaby Choir
10Deck The HallsSvend Saaby Choir
11Entre Le Boeuf Et L'ane GrisSvend Saaby Choir
12ChristkindelwiegenliedSvend Saaby Choir
13Good King WencelasSvend Saaby ChoirJohn Mason Neale
14Kommt All Herein, Ihr EngeleinSvend Saaby Choir
15Marche Des RoisSvend Saaby Choir
16O'Little Town Of BethlehemSvend Saaby ChoirPhillips Brooks
17Villancico-Baile De NadalSvend Saaby Choir
18Stille NachtSvend Saaby ChoirJoseph Mohr
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