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Album Cover
Takkyu Ishino

Album JP 2001 on Ki/oon label
Dance (Techno)

PortraitTakkyu Ishino ,
written by, producer, album by, lyrics by
PortraitKeiko Yamada ,
lyrics by, voice
PortraitFrank Müller voc, DE
PortraitBeroshima , DE
written by, producer
Yasunobu Yamashita design
Hideaki Kijima engineer
Yasman mastered by
Gen Yamaguchi photography by
Takashi Watanabe mixed by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Elektronik Go Go GoTakkyu Ishino4:57
2Rock Da BeatTakkyu Ishino5:18
3Turn OverTakkyu Ishino5:11
4S.W.A.P.Takkyu Ishino3:36
5HypehypeTakkyu Ishino6:24
6Flight To Shang-HaiTakkyu IshinoKeiko Yamada, Takkyu Ishino3:59
7La PeggiTakkyu Ishino6:21
8Gimme Some High EnergyTakkyu Ishino6:09
9Creatures Of The NightTakkyu IshinoBeroshima6:04
10Piano KlangTakkyu Ishino6:20
11Chieko's Acid ExperienceTakkyu Ishino6:32
12Stereo NightsTakkyu Ishino3:59
13Frankenstein's HausTakkyu Ishino5:15
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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