Band, MX
Discogs notice: This artist does not refer to a specific group of named individuals (such as a band or musical group) but rather defines the collective term for an indigenous people of northern Mexico. Please use this "artist" name (or any language variation thereof, via an ANV) for the Corohio, Rarámuri, Tarahumar, Tarahumaras, Tarahumare, Tarauhmarice, Taraumara, Tarrahumara, Tarumar, Tarumare people.
Konrad Rhee key, sax | |
Jorge Rosas perc | |
Neptali Cuti perc, voc | |
Giovanny León dr, voc, perc | |
Vinicio León voc |
Track list and 30sec audio provided by
Title | Artist | Year | Type |
Raramuri Tagiara - Music Of The Tarahumar | Tarahumara | 1974 | Album |