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Band, FR
World, Folk and Jazz

Popular Tracks   
So le muntagne d'Orezza on Cor' di memoria - Polyphonies corses by Tavagna
Ite missa est on Messa Corsa per i tempi novi - Polyphonie corse by Tavagna
À I'Antigona: Hè ghjunta l'ora turchina on Tavagna Canta Malcolm Bothwell by Tavagna
Anniversariu Di Minetta on In Veru by Tavagna
Lamentu à Ghjesù (Corsican polyphonic Chant) on Cor' di memoria - Polyphonies corses by Tavagna
Agnus Dei on Messa Corsa per i tempi novi - Polyphonie corse by Tavagna
Introitus « Confundantur » on Messa Corsa per i tempi novi - Polyphonie corse by Tavagna
A scimia on L'ortu di e nostre muse by Tavagna
Kyrie Eleison on Messa Corsa per i tempi novi - Polyphonie corse by Tavagna
E Muntagne D'Orezza on In Veru by Tavagna

Track list and 30sec audio provided by

Band Membership
Title Artist Year Type
In VeruTavagna2001Album
Cor'di Memoria (polyphonies Corses)Tavagna1996Album
A CapellaTavagna1992Album
Piazza Di LunaAndré Jaume Quintet / Tavagna1989Album
:IncontruAndré Jaume Quartet / Tavagna1984Album
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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