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Album Cover

Album NO 2014 on Kitsch Music label
Rock and Pop (Pop Rock)

Norwegian folkrock/americana group Tenderleaves. Recorded live at Sylvartune, Valle, Southern Norway Mixed and produced by Morten Martens at The Lodge Cover by: Roy Søbstad

PortraitTenderleaves ,
album by
Morten Martens
PortraitGunnar Sæter dr,
PortraitGeir Kongshaug g,
PortraitTrond Breen voc, g,
PortraitEven Øygarden voc,
lead vocals
PortraitTrond Tellefsen key,
PortraitSebastian Gruchot vn,
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1One Day With YouTenderleaves
2Ride The WaveTenderleaves
3Free WorldTenderleaves
4School Of AmericasTenderleaves
5You Never Knew MeTenderleaves
6Big Dipper RidingTenderleaves
7Don´t Go DancingTenderleaves
8Forever Is A Long TimeTenderleaves
9Better Than ThemTenderleaves
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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