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Album Cover
Tendon Levey
Are You Late Night, Are You Sugar

Album US 2011 on Castration Cult label
Rock, Folk, World and (Experimental, Acoustic)

All music, lyrics and artwork improvised and executed by Tendon Levey.

PortraitTendon Levey , *1989 US
music by, composed by, artwork by, album by
Tendon Levey
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Almost CrushedTendon Levey1:13
2At Best I'll Make You UpTendon Levey0:53
3Why The Color RedTendon Levey1:29
4I'll Let Myself In (Wrong)Tendon Levey1:03
5HUT I Prepare On The MoveTendon Levey1:17
6Who Can Have Her ReflectionTendon Levey2:33
7Three Times A WidowTendon Levey1:25
8Cloven LokiTendon Levey2:00
9Back From The DeadTendon Levey1:49
10Rotating StormTendon Levey0:10
11A Rose Offered OutTendon Levey1:02
12EripioTendon Levey1:04
13ThunderswarmTendon Levey1:01
14Always Raining MoleculesTendon Levey1:56
15Leave The Light OnTendon Levey0:43
16The Stretcher That Stretches Though BrokenTendon Levey2:06
17Funny WagonTendon Levey2:11
18The PomanderTendon Levey1:43
19Heavy BodyTendon Levey1:28
20The Sunlight Comes Between UsTendon Levey1:45
21Walk To The ArcadeTendon Levey0:17
22Baby SacsTendon Levey1:50
23CribriformTendon Levey2:21
24Expatriates Of EdenTendon Levey1:54
25Demon In The MicrowaveTendon Levey0:08
26Oddity (Alt. Vocals)Tendon Levey0:58
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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