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Album Cover
Teresa Teng

Compil. HK 1998 on Polydor label
Pop, Folk, World and (Vocal, Ballad, Enka, Karaoke)

Double digipak longbox containing a best of CD and a previously available karaoke vcd (vocals included). Vocals in mandarin (國), cantonese (粵) or japanese (日). CD ℗ & © 1998 PolyGram Records Ltd., Hong Kong. VCD ℗ & © 1996 PolyGram Records Ltd., Hong Kong. Marketed by PolyGram Records Ltd., Hong Kong/Singapore/Malaysia/Canada.

PortraitTeresa Teng voc, 1953-1995 GB
album by
PortraitKit Chan voc, *1972 CN
vocals, 合唱
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1漫步人生路 (粵)Teresa Teng
2原鄉情濃 (國)Teresa Teng
3小城故事 (國)Teresa Teng
4甜蜜蜜 (國)Teresa Teng
5再見! 我的愛人 (國)Teresa Teng
6月亮代表我的心 (國)Teresa Teng
7檳城艷 (國)Teresa Teng
8路邊野花不要採 (國)Teresa Teng
9有誰知我此事情 (國)Teresa Teng
10情人的關懷 (國)Teresa Teng
11誰在改變 (國)Teresa Teng
12漫步人生路 (粵)Teresa Teng
13人面桃花 (國)Teresa Teng
14莫忘今宵 (國)Teresa Teng
15星願 (國)Teresa Teng
16星願 (國語伴奏版)Teresa Teng
17情人的關懷 (國) / 空港 (日)Teresa Teng
18娘心 (國/日)Teresa Teng
19償還 (國) / つぐない (日)Teresa Teng
20何日君再來 (國)Teresa Teng
21愛人 (國/日)Teresa Teng
22我只在乎你 (國) / 時の流れに身をまかせて (日)Teresa Teng
23夜來香 (國/日)Teresa Teng
24冬之戀情 (國) / 雪化粧 (日)Teresa Teng
25漫步人生路 (粵)Teresa Teng
26忘記他 (粵)Teresa Teng
27東山飄雨西山晴 (粵)Teresa Teng
28香港之夜 (國)Teresa Teng
29愛像一首歌 (國)Teresa Teng
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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Teresa Teng - 漫步人生路 HK 2004 Pop, Folk, World and
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