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Album Cover
Teresa Teng
黃金珍藏 - 永誌不忘 - Forever Star Teresa - 永恆的巨星

Compil. TW 1995 on Polydor label
Pop, Folk, World and (Vocal)

3 X CD compilation. Each CD comes with a 4-panel booklet.

PortraitTeresa Teng voc, 1953-1995 GB
album by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1第壹輯Teresa Teng
2償還Teresa Teng3:53
3又見炊煙Teresa Teng2:58
4往事如昨Teresa Teng3:25
5風從那裡來Teresa Teng3:33
6那句諾言Teresa Teng3:57
7無情荒地有情天Teresa Teng3:44
8晨光下的戀情Teresa Teng3:54
9水上人Teresa Teng3:11
10小城故事Teresa Teng2:39
11君在前哨 (演唱會版)Teresa Teng2:13
12第貳輯Teresa Teng
13海韻Teresa Teng3:16
14甜蜜蜜Teresa Teng3:22
15難忘的一天Teresa Teng3:56
16你照亮我的心Teresa Teng3:29
17想你想斷腸Teresa Teng3:08
18愛的開始Teresa Teng4:33
19月夜訴情Teresa Teng4:29
20幾多愁Teresa Teng3:33
21雪地上的回憶Teresa Teng3:49
22娘心Teresa Teng3:49
23第參輯Teresa Teng
24酒醉的探戈Teresa Teng4:14
25香港之夜Teresa Teng3:42
26水漣漪Teresa Teng2:30
27愛的使者Teresa Teng3:22
28小村之戀Teresa Teng3:40
29你可知道我愛誰Teresa Teng3:22
30後悔愛上你Teresa Teng2:50
31南海姑娘Teresa Teng2:49
32相聚更甜蜜Teresa Teng3:52
33前生有緣Teresa Teng3:49
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