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Album Cover
The Eastman School Of Music Jazz Ensemble, Rayburn Wright And Allen Vizzutti And Saxology

Album US 1982 on Mark Records label

Gatefold jacket Track D1 recorded October 16, 1981 Track D2 recorded June 29, 1982 Track D3 recorded February 6, 1982

PortraitThe Eastman School Of Music Jazz Ensemble ,
album by
PortraitRayburn Wright as, 1922-1990 US
album by, written by
PortraitAllen Vizzutti tr, fh, *1952 US
album by, soloist, flugelhorn, written by, soloist, piccolo trumpet, soloist, trumpet
PortraitSaxology ,
album by
PortraitBrian Scanlon as, fl, US
alto saxophone, alto saxophone, saxology, soloist, alto saxophone
PortraitJean-Pierre Zanella as, sax, ss, CA
alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, saxology, soloist, alto saxophone, soloist, soprano saxophone, soloist, tenor saxophone
PortraitMark Tulga as, ts,
alto saxophone, saxology, tenor saxophone, soloist, tenor saxophone
PortraitJeremy Brown bs,
baritone saxophone, baritone saxophone, saxology
PortraitBill Grimes b, eb, US
bass, bass, saxology, soloist, bass
PortraitMark Lusk tb,
bass trombone, soloist, bass trombone
PortraitRamon Ricker sax, US
directed by, saxology, arranged by
Roland Wilcox
drums, drums, saxology, soloist, drums
Mark Stewart
guitar, soloist, guitar
Rob Saenz
PortraitJeff Hellmer p, US
piano, saxology, soloist, piano
PortraitBevan Manson p, US
piano, electric piano, arranged by, soloist, piano
PortraitEllen Rowe p, US
piano, electric piano, arranged by
John Toomey
piano, electric piano, soloist, piano
Andy Weinzler
tenor saxophone, tenor saxophone, saxology, soloist, tenor saxophone
Kim Schamberg
trombone, soloist, trombone
PortraitMichael Davis tb, *1961 US
trombone, soloist, trombone
PortraitPhil Tulga tb,
trombone, soloist, trombone
PortraitBruce Wermuth , US
trumpet, soloist, flugelhorn, arranged by, written by, soloist, vocals
PortraitByron Stripling tr, *1961 US
trumpet, soloist, trumpet
Kurt Weiss
trumpet, soloist, flugelhorn
PortraitSteve Walters tr, US
PortraitJeff Stockham tr, fh, frh,
trumpet, french horn
Hal London
PortraitSteve Walters b, GB
soloist, trumpet
Rayburn Wright directed by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1At Montreux, July 20, 1982The Eastman School Of Music Jazz Ensemble, Rayburn Wright And Allen Vizzutti And Saxology
2It Don't Mean A ThingThe Eastman School Of Music Jazz EnsembleDuke Ellington8:37
3Ill WindThe Eastman School Of Music Jazz EnsembleHarold Arlen6:20
4My Favorite ThingsThe Eastman School Of Music Jazz EnsembleRodgers & Hammerstein5:38
5JamieAllen VizzuttiAllen Vizzutti5:30
6Small FryAllen VizzuttiAllen Vizzutti4:50
7GazelleAllen VizzuttiBruce Wermuth9:35
8CrackdownThe Eastman School Of Music Jazz EnsembleThad Jones4:42
9Ugly ManThe Eastman School Of Music Jazz EnsembleGino Vannelli7:03
10Sackbut CityThe Eastman School Of Music Jazz EnsembleRayburn Wright5:38
11Performances At Eastman School Of MusicThe Eastman School Of Music Jazz Ensemble, Rayburn Wright And Allen Vizzutti And Saxology
12Blues For PatThe Eastman School Of Music Jazz EnsembleStutz Wimmer8:24
13What Would BeThe Eastman School Of Music Jazz EnsembleSteve Bramson5:40
14Moon GermsThe Eastman School Of Music Jazz EnsembleJoe Farrell
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