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Album Cover
The Afghan Whigs

Album US 1992 on Sub Pop label
Rock (Alternative Rock, Indie Rock)

Recorded July/August 1991 at Bear Creek; Woodinville, Washington and Buzz's Kitchen; Los Angeles, California. Mastered at K Disc. "For Debbie, our flower." Distributed exclusively by Caroline Records, Inc. Track 12 is uncredited and unlisted.

PortraitThe Afghan Whigs , *1986 US
album by
Larry Brewer
engineer, 2nd at bear creek
PortraitGreg Dulli voc, g, *1965 US
performer, played by, producer, vocals, written by, written by, uncredited
PortraitJohn Curley b, *1965 US
performer, played by, photography by, cover, written by, vocals
PortraitRick McCollum g, *1965 US
performer, played by, written by, vocals
PortraitSteve Earle dr,
performer, played by, written by
PortraitChris Cuffaro , US
photography by, band
PortraitLance Ellison ,
piano, vocals
PortraitRuby Belle ,
PortraitShecky Stein ,
Caroline De Vita design
Jane Higgins design
Ross Ian Stein engineer, producer
Jack Skinner mastered by
D.A. Fleischer photography by, cover
Shawn Smith backing vocals
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Her Against MeThe Afghan WhigsGreg Dulli0:47
2I'm Her SlaveThe Afghan WhigsGreg Dulli2:59
3Turn On The WaterThe Afghan WhigsGreg Dulli, John Curley, Rick McCollum, Steve Earle4:18
4Conjure MeThe Afghan WhigsGreg Dulli, John Curley, Rick McCollum, Steve Earle4:03
5Kiss The FloorThe Afghan WhigsGreg Dulli, Rick McCollum4:00
6CongregationThe Afghan WhigsGreg Dulli, Rick McCollum4:27
7This Is My ConfessionThe Afghan WhigsGreg Dulli3:13
8Dedicate ItThe Afghan WhigsGreg Dulli3:22
9The TempleThe Afghan WhigsAndrew Lloyd Webber, Tim Rice4:06
10Let Me Lie To YouThe Afghan WhigsGreg Dulli4:36
11TonightThe Afghan WhigsGreg Dulli3:41
12 Miles Iz DedThe Afghan WhigsGreg Dulli5:06

30sec audio samples provided by

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