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Album Cover
The Arabian Prince
Where's My Bytches

Album US 1993 on Da Bozak label
Hip-Hop/Rap and R&B/Soul (Gangsta, G-Funk)

Written & produced by: "Brother Rab" for Underworld Productions & Da Bozak Muzik Pre-production: Underworld Entertainment Complex, Burbank, CA Recorded at: Audio Achievements, Torrance, CA by Donovan "Dirt Biker" Sound and at Olive Street Digital Post, Burbank, CA by Trip & Steve Mastered at: Bernie Grundman Mastering

PortraitThe Arabian Prince syn, *1965 US
album by
PortraitSide Show ,
featuring, co-producer, written by
PortraitMike "Crazy Neck" Sims g,
PortraitBrother Rab ,
producer, written by, keyboards, drums
Nancy Fletcher backing vocals
Paula Brown backing vocals
Arabian Prince executive-producer
Donovan "The Dirt Biker" Sound recorded by
Steve recorded by
Trip recorded by
Moné Swann backing vocals
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Where's My BytchesThe Arabian Prince1:24
2Ho's 2 BozakThe Arabian Prince5:52
3Where Ya Been BytchThe Arabian Prince5:18
4Gotta Get Some P...y QuickThe Arabian Prince5:00
5Shoulda Stayed In My BedThe Arabian Prince3:50
62 PlyThe Arabian Prince4:25
7Up 2 No GoodThe Arabian Prince4:10
8Tha UnderworldThe Arabian Prince3:28
9Treat Ya Like A HoThe Arabian Prince3:39
10Hoochie MommaThe Arabian Prince3:37
11Give It Up TonightThe Arabian Prince4:04
12A Poem From A PimpThe Arabian Prince6:01
13SexThe Arabian Prince5:09
14A Little Jazz 4 Yo AzzThe Arabian Prince5:43
15OutroThe Arabian Prince1:14
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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