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Album Cover
The Beatles
Making Of Sgt. Pepper

Album JP 2017 on Misterclaudel label
Rock and Pop (Pop Rock)

DVD has Japanese subtitles

PortraitThe Beatles , *1960 GB
album by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club BandThe Beatles
2Applause And Crowd NoiseThe Beatles
3Backing TrackThe Beatles
4Lead And Backing VocalsThe Beatles
5Lead Guitar And BrassThe Beatles
6Full Multi Track Stereo MixThe Beatles
7With A Little Help From My FriendsThe Beatles
8Percussion, Bass Guitar, GuitarThe Beatles
9Backing TrackThe Beatles
10Lead And Backing Vocals, OrganThe Beatles
11Backing Vocals, GuitarThe Beatles
12Full Multi Track Stereo MixThe Beatles
13She's Leaving HomeThe Beatles
14Strings #1The Beatles
15Strings #2The Beatles
16Lead And Backing VocalsThe Beatles
17Harmony And Backing VocalsThe Beatles
18Full Multi Track Stereo MixThe Beatles
19A Day In The LifeThe Beatles
20Piano And Lead VocalsThe Beatles
21Guitar And TambourineThe Beatles
22Jangle Piano, OrchestraThe Beatles
23Bass Guitar And DrumsThe Beatles
24Full Multi Track Stereo MixThe Beatles
25Bonus TracksThe Beatles
26Introduction For Sgt. Pepper'sThe Beatles
27Billy Shears ApplauseThe Beatles
28Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite Sound EffectsThe Beatles
29When I'm Sixty-FourThe Beatles
30Good Morning Good Morning Animal NoisesThe Beatles
31A Day In The Life OrchestraThe Beatles
32A Day In The Life HumsThe Beatles
33A Day In The Life PianosThe Beatles
34King Lear Act IV Scene VI (I Am The Walrus)The Beatles
35Making Of Sgt. Pepper - Documentary 1992The Beatles
36Opening IntroductionThe Beatles
37End Of The TourThe Beatles
38Strawberry Fields ForeverThe Beatles
39When I'm Sixty-FourThe Beatles
40Penny LaneThe Beatles
41Abbey Road StudioThe Beatles
42Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club BandThe Beatles
43Lucy In The Sky With DiamondsThe Beatles
44Influence Of DrugsThe Beatles
45With A Little Help From My FriendsThe Beatles
46Ravi ShankarThe Beatles
47Within You Without YouThe Beatles
48Pet SoundsThe Beatles
49Big Bass HarmonicaThe Beatles
50Being For The Benefit Of Mr. KiteThe Beatles
51Phil CollinsThe Beatles
52Good Morning Good MorningThe Beatles
53ArtworksThe Beatles
54A Day In The LifeThe Beatles
55About The Sgt. Pepper AlbumThe Beatles
56EndingThe Beatles
57TV SpotThe Beatles
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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