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Album Cover
The Blackbyrds
Greatest Hits

Compil. US 1989 on Fantasy label
Jazz and R&B/Soul (Soul, Funk, Easy Listening)

PortraitThe Blackbyrds , *1973 US
vocals, album by
PortraitJoe Hall b, *1954
bass, written by
PortraitKeith Killgo dr, *1954 US
drums, written by
PortraitStephen Johnson sax, US
flute, tenor saxophone, written by
PortraitAllan Barnes ts, ss, fl, *1949 US
flute, tenor saxophone, soprano saxophone, written by
PortraitBarney Perry g, *1953 US
guitar, written by
PortraitKevin Toney key, syn, *1953 US
keyboards, written by
PortraitPerk Jacobs perc, *1951
PortraitWesley Jackson g, US
tenor saxophone
PortraitOscar Brashear tr, *1944 US
trumpet, flugelhorn
PortraitMerry Clayton bvoc, voc, *1948 US
PortraitWade Marcus tb, str, US
arranged by, horns, arranged by, strings
Joe Tarantino mastered by
Dave Hassinger recorded by
Jim Nipar recorded by
Jim Stern recorded by
Val Garay recorded by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Walking In RhythmThe BlackbyrdsBarney Perry4:13
2Do It, FluidThe BlackbyrdsDonald Byrd5:24
3Gut LevelThe BlackbyrdsLincoln Ross4:09
4Blackbyrds' ThemeThe BlackbyrdsAllan Barnes, Joe Hall, Kevin Toney4:06
5Rock Creek ParkThe BlackbyrdsKeith Killgo, Kevin Toney, Orville Saunders, Stephen Johnson4:36
6Summer LoveThe BlackbyrdsAllan Barnes5:09
7City LifeThe BlackbyrdsKevin Toney5:24
8Happy MusicThe BlackbyrdsDonald Byrd4:56
9Unfinished BusinessThe BlackbyrdsKevin Toney5:53
10Supernatural FeelingThe BlackbyrdsKevin Toney, Orville Saunders3:47
11Soft And EasyThe BlackbyrdsOrville Saunders4:22
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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