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Artist Portrait

The Chris Hinze Combination

Band, NL

Chris Hinze Combination was presented internationally 1971 in the Casino at Lake Geneva during the Montreux Jazz Festival. From then on Chris Hinze went on the road all over Europe. Mainly American musicians joined the Combination, like John Lee, Gary Brown, Charlie Mariano, James Batton, Kevin Eubanks and many others. As the setting changed through the years, 'Combination' turned out to be an extremely apropriate name, since Hinze is always searching for new influences, interacting with musicians from other cultures, changing members of the Chris Hinze Combination for new tours and albums.

PortraitGerry Brown
dr, perc *1951 US
PortraitChris Hinze
fl *1938 NL
PortraitPhilip Catherine
g, acg *1942 BE
PortraitJohn Lee
b, eb *1952 US
PortraitRob van den Broeck
p 1940-2012 NL
PortraitRoger Cook
PortraitLouis Debij
dr, perc 1937-2018 NL
PortraitHenny Vonk
voc, perc NL
PortraitHenk Alkema
p 1944-2011 NL
PortraitWim Stolwijk
ep NL
PortraitJim Shaaperoe
Popular Tracks   
African Rapness on Saliah by The Chris Hinze Combination
Bamboo Funk on Mission Suite by The Chris Hinze Combination
Saliah on Saliah by The Chris Hinze Combination
Roman Frescoes on Virgin Sacrifice by The Chris Hinze Combination
Awah Awah on Saliah by The Chris Hinze Combination
Di-Da-De-Lu-Da on Mission Suite by The Chris Hinze Combination
Skyrider - 2023 Remastered on Sister Slick by Chris Hinze & The Chris Hinze Combination
A Collection of Potsherd on Virgin Sacrifice by The Chris Hinze Combination
Aeon on Saliah by The Chris Hinze Combination
Easy Answering - 2023 Remastered on Sister Slick by Chris Hinze & The Chris Hinze Combination

Track list and 30sec audio provided by

Band Membership

Title Artist Year Type
Live In ConcertThe Chris Hinze Combination2008Album
Back On The MapThe Chris Hinze Combination2007Album
Back On The MapThe Chris Hinze Combination2004Album
Akar AkarThe Chris Hinze Combination2002Album
HighlightsThe Chris Hinze Combination1996Album
NamaskarThe Chris Hinze Combination1994Album
The HunterThe Chris Hinze Combination1987Album
NazaliThe Chris Hinze Combination1986Album
NazaliThe Chris Hinze Combination1986Single
Jazz At The Opera House - Traditional to ExperimentalThe Don Burrows Quintet, The Australian Vocal Ensemble, The Chris Hinze Combination1985Album
The Popsong Of Moho / LaurasiaThe Chris Hinze Combination1985Single
SaliahThe Chris Hinze Combination1984Album
Bamboo MagicThe Chris Hinze Combination1978Album
Summer Dance - Live At Montreux Vol.IIThe Chris Hinze Combination1978Album
ParcivalMetropole Orchestra With The Chris Hinze Combination1976Album
Sister SlickThe Chris Hinze Combination1974Album
Mission SuiteThe Chris Hinze Combination1973Album
Charlie Mariano With The Chris Hinze CombinationCharlie Mariano With The The Chris Hinze Combination1973Album
Who Can See The Shadow Of The SunThe Chris Hinze Combination1972Album
Virgin SacrificeThe Chris Hinze Combination1972Album
Live At MontreuxThe Chris Hinze Combination1971Album
Stoned FluteThe Chris Hinze Combination1970Album
Bamboo FeelingsThe Chris Hinze Combination1970Single
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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