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Album Cover
The Fouryo's
The Story Of... - Volume One 1957-1962

Compil. NL 1993 on Rarity Records label
Pop (Vocal, Schlager)

Polygram International Music

PortraitThe Fouryo's , NL
album by
PortraitSorella's, De ,
performer on track
PortraitThe Tonics , 1959-1970 DE
performer on track
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Bye Bye LoveThe Fouryo's
2Want Ik Heb JouThe Fouryo's
3LollipopThe Fouryo's
4Ik Zie Je Elke MorgenThe Fouryo's
5Bird DogThe Fouryo's
6Devoted To YouThe Fouryo's
7Zeg Niet NeeThe Fouryo's
8Kom Bij Me DarlingThe Fouryo's
9de SpijkerbroekThe Fouryo's
10Choo-choo BoogieThe Fouryo's
11Making LoveThe Fouryo's
12Zeven Leuke MeisjesThe Fouryo's
13PanopticumThe Fouryo's
14FootstepsThe Fouryo's
15Wil Je Niet, Wil Je WelThe Fouryo's
16Dans Nog Eenmaal Met MijThe Fouryo's
17Kom Toch TerugThe Fouryo's
18SarinaThe Fouryo's
19Waarom Loop Je Mij Op Straat VoorbijThe Fouryo's
20Veilchen Aus AsconaThe Fouryo's
21So Ein FeiertagThe Fouryo's
22Zeeman Je Verlangen Is de ZeeSorella's, De
23ValentinoSorella's, De
24Chickery ChickSorella's, De
25Doe Niet Zo SaaiThe Tonics
26Pop Pop PoppieThe Tonics
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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