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Album Cover
The Guess Who
Wheatfield Soul / Share The Land / Canned Wheat

Compil. UK 2010 on IronBird label
Rock (Classic Rock, Prog Rock, Soft Rock)

*Track 10 on CD 3 ("Miss Frizzy") is miscredited as "Species Hawk" Tracks 2-09, 2-10, 3-10, 3-11 are bonus tracks Issued in a fat jewel case.

PortraitThe Guess Who , *1965 CA
album by
Jack Richardson producer
Roger Lomas remastered by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Wheatfield SoulThe Guess Who
2These EyesThe Guess Who3:45
3Pink Wine Sparkles In The GlassThe Guess Who2:13
4I Found Her In A StarThe Guess Who2:36
5Friends Of MineThe Guess Who10:05
6When You Touch MeThe Guess Who3:38
7A Wednesday In Your GardenThe Guess Who3:22
8LightfootThe Guess Who3:08
9Love And A Yellow RoseThe Guess Who5:05
10Maple FudgeThe Guess Who1:53
11We're Coming To DinnerThe Guess Who2:45
12Share The LandThe Guess Who
13Bus RiderThe Guess Who2:58
14Do You Miss Me Darlin'The Guess Who3:58
15Hand Me Down WorldThe Guess Who3:26
16Moan For You JoeThe Guess Who2:41
17Share The LandThe Guess Who3:56
18Hang On To Your LifeThe Guess Who4:11
19Coming Down Off The Money Bag / Song Of The DogThe Guess Who3:57
20Three More DaysThe Guess Who8:56
21PalmyraThe Guess Who5:48
22The AnswerThe Guess Who4:07
23Canned WheatThe Guess Who
24No Time (First Version)The Guess Who5:36
25Minstrel BoyThe Guess Who3:19
26LaughingThe Guess Who3:06
27UndunThe Guess Who4:18
286 A.M. Or NearerThe Guess Who5:25
29Old JoeThe Guess Who2:58
30Of A Dropping PinThe Guess Who3:42
31KeyThe Guess Who11:17
32Fair WarningThe Guess Who1:46
33Miss Frizzy*The Guess Who5:09
34Silver BirdThe Guess Who2:43
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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