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Album Cover
The Parachute Club
At The Feet Of The Moon

Album CA 1984 on Current label
Alternative (Alternative Rock, New Wave)

Issued with a printed inner lyrics-sleeve.

PortraitThe Parachute Club , 1982-1988 CA
arranged by, album by
PortraitMichael Beinhorn syn, US
arranged by, producer, synth, percussion, music by, additional, drum machine, linn, synthesizer, dx-7, synth, bass
PortraitKeir Brownstone b,
PortraitBilly Bryans dr, perc, 1947-2012 CA
drum programming, linn, drums, percussion, electronic drums, simmons, written by, music by
PortraitLauri Conger syn, key, CA
grand piano, synthesizer, vocoder, programmed by, synth, music by, written by, written by, concept by, tape conception
PortraitLorraine Segato voc,
lead vocals, rhythm guitar, vocals, support, lyrics by, written by
PortraitMargo Davidson sax, perc, bvoc, 1957-2008 CA
saxophone, congas, percussion, synth, drum, syncussion, vocals, support
PortraitJulie Masi perc, bvoc, CA
timbales, percussion, vocals, support, written by, lead vocals, music by, lyrics by, additional
PortraitLynne Fernie , *1946 CA
lyrics by
PortraitTim Tickner perc, key, dr,
sequenced by
PortraitMojah voc, CA
arranged by, horn
Deborah Samuel concept by, art direction, photography by
Hugh Syme design, inner sleeve, design, cover
Howie Weinberg mastered by
Scott Boyling recorded by, assistant
Mike Jones recorded by, mixed by
Michael Beinhorn concept by, tape conception
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1At The Feet Of The MoonThe Parachute ClubLorraine Segato, Julie Masi5:10
2Sexual IntelligenceThe Parachute ClubLynne Fernie, Billy Bryans, Lorraine Segato4:08
3InnuendoThe Parachute ClubLorraine Segato, Lynne Fernie, Billy Bryans4:26
4Equal/EquallyThe Parachute ClubLauri Conger5:02
5Middle ChildThe Parachute ClubLynne Fernie, Lauri Conger4:50
6Act Of An InnocentThe Parachute ClubLauri Conger, Lorraine Segato4:57
7Freedom SongThe Parachute ClubJulie Masi, Lorraine Segato5:14
8Walls And LawsThe Parachute ClubLorraine Segato, Lynne Fernie, Julie Masi, Lauri Conger5:00
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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The Parachute Club - At The Feet Of The Moon CA 1984 Alternative
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