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Album Cover
The Parachute Club
The Parachute Club

Album CA 1983 on Current label
Electronic, Rock and Pop (Alternative Rock, New Wave)

Recorded at Bob & Dan Lanois' studio. Realized by Daniel Lanois and The Parachute Club Manufactured and distributed in Canada. The four-point MAPL icons (Music, Artist, Performance, Lyrics) indicate all tracks are 100% Canadian Content (CanCon) Released with a custom inner lyrics-sleeve

PortraitThe Parachute Club , 1982-1988 CA
album by
PortraitLauri Conger syn, key, CA
arranged by, musical development, synthesizer, backing vocals, keyboards, electric and acoustic, music by, music by, lyrics by
PortraitSteve Webster vc, eb, b,
arranged by, musical development, bass, music by
PortraitBilly Bryans dr, perc, 1947-2012 CA
concept by, musical, drums, percussion, electronic drums, sin-cussions, mixed by, with interference from, music by, lyrics by
PortraitLorraine Segato voc,
concept by, musical, electric guitar, lead vocals, percussion, mixed by, with interference from, music by, lyrics by, additional
PortraitMargo Davidson sax, perc, bvoc, 1957-2008 CA
congas, percussion, saxophone, backing vocals
PortraitDave Gray g,
electric guitar, music by, music by, additional
Bill Kaye
other, make-up
PortraitDick Smith perc, cng, JM
percussion, additional
PortraitJulie Masi perc, bvoc, CA
timbales, percussion, saxophone, backing vocals, lyrics by, additional, vocals, duet
PortraitLynne Fernie , *1946 CA
lyrics by
PortraitMojah voc, CA
electric guitar, music by, percussion
Tim Forbes art direction, design, artwork, concept
Deborah Samuel art direction, photography by, artwork, concept
Daniel Lanois engineer, producer, mixed by
Gerry Young management
Debbie Griffiths backing vocals
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Rise UpThe Parachute ClubLynne Fernie, Lorraine Segato5:10
2Slip AwayThe Parachute ClubLauri Conger, Lorraine Segato, Julie Masi4:36
3AlienationThe Parachute ClubLorraine Segato3:48
4Are You HungryThe Parachute ClubLynne Fernie, Lorraine Segato5:07
5Free Up YourselfThe Parachute ClubLorraine Segato3:41
6Boys ClubThe Parachute ClubBilly Bryans, Julie Masi, Lauri Conger, Lorraine Segato3:32
7Hot In PursuitThe Parachute ClubLorraine Segato5:09
8She Tell YouThe Parachute ClubLauri Conger, Lynne Fernie, Lorraine Segato5:05
9Tobago StyleThe Parachute ClubBilly Bryans, Lorraine Segato5:41
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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