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Album Cover
The Pontiac Brothers
Fiesta En La Biblioteca

Album US 1986 on Frontier Records label
Rock (Alternative Rock)

PortraitThe Pontiac Brothers , *1983 US
album by, written by
PortraitD.A. Valdez dr,
acoustic guitar, drums, written by
PortraitKurt Bauman b,
PortraitWard Dotson g, s-g,
guitar, lead vocals, written by
Dude Gnarly
guitar, solo
Dan McGough
PortraitMatt Simon voc, dr,
vocals, written by
Annette Vargas
vocals, excess vocals
PortraitSue Gorilla g,
vocals, excess vocals
Randy Burns engineer
John Golden mastered by
Candii Samples producer
Junior Samples producer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1DogThe Pontiac Brothers
2She Knows ItThe Pontiac BrothersMatt Simon, Ward Dotson
3Old And In The WayThe Pontiac BrothersMatt Simon, Ward Dotson
4Look Out For That TrainThe Pontiac BrothersD.A. Valdez, Matt Simon
5Be Married SongThe Pontiac BrothersWard Dotson
6Doll HutThe Pontiac BrothersMatt Simon, Ward Dotson
7ButterflyThe Pontiac Brothers
8Brown-Eyed WomenThe Pontiac BrothersJerry Garcia, Robert Hunter
9She Likes To Rock (The Ballad Of Nora Kuzman)The Pontiac BrothersHager, The Pontiac Brothers
10The Thing Just GoesThe Pontiac BrothersWard Dotson
11Can't Get Out Of BedThe Pontiac BrothersMatt Simon, Ward Dotson
12Girl From El RenoThe Pontiac BrothersD.A. Valdez, Matt Simon
13Don't Have To DieThe Pontiac BrothersMatt Simon, Ward Dotson
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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