Homecoming Parade (a portrait of the artist as a young astronaut) on Man of the Match by The Port Huron Statement Tory Pt. 1 (The Stripper and the Colonist) on Tory by The Port Huron Statement Shaky Hands on Tory by The Port Huron Statement Man of the Match (this astronaut has lost all control) on Man of the Match by The Port Huron Statement Cocoa Beach (welcome) on Man of the Match by The Port Huron Statement No Long Way Home on Tory by The Port Huron Statement Through My Stereo (jump in with all your might) on Man of the Match by The Port Huron Statement Torry Pt. 2 (I'm Toulouse Lautrec) on Tory by The Port Huron Statement The Battle Hymn of the Port Huron Statement on Tory by The Port Huron Statement The Rain Like a Gentle Dream... (as he bravely steered his ship) on Man of the Match by The Port Huron Statement
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.