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Album Cover
The Rakes
The Rakes

Album UK 1975 on Leader label
Folk (Celtic)

[a1-A2] recorded by Seumas Ewens at a public dance in Wimbledon Town Hall, London on December 19, 1970; Josh Wink recorded by Reg Hall and Steve Pennells at Bob and Daisy Knightley's house, Croydon, London on March 14, 1964; [a4-A6] recorded by Bill Leader at The Albany, Deptford, London on December 11, 1969; [B1-B5] recorded by Bill Leader at The Swan and Sugar Loaf, Croydon, London on August 5, 1971; [B6] recorded by Bill Leader at a public dance in the Parish Hsll, Lydiard Millicent, Wiltshire on September 20, 1969;

PortraitThe Rakes ,
album by
Ron Somers
PortraitLucy Farr , *1912 GB
PortraitMichael Plunkett vn,
fiddle, flute
PortraitPaul Gross p, CA
fiddle, piano
PortraitReg Hall p, acc,
melodeon, piano
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Babes In The Wood / All The Way To Galway, PolkasThe Rakes
2The Dashing White Sergeant / The Bottom Of The Punch Bowl, Scottish ReelsThe Rakes
3Greensleeves / Harry Cox's / Carry Me Down To Carlow, SchottischeThe Rakes
4The Geese In The Bog / The Butcher's March, JigsThe Rakes
5Jimmy Garson's, MarchThe Rakes
6Lucy Farr's No 1 / Lucy Farr's No 2, JigsThe Rakes
7The Carraroe / The Mug Of Brown Ale, JigsThe Rakes
8The Honeysuckle / Pound Hill, HornpipesThe Rakes
9Bold Reynolds / Gaelic Waltz, WaltzesThe Rakes
10Maggie Pickens / Ma McNulty's, SchottischesThe Rakes
11Lucy Farr's No 1 / Lucy Farr's No 2, PolkasThe Rakes
12Molly In The Wood / Tralee Gaol / Maggie In The Wood, PolkasThe Rakes
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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