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Album Cover
The Ramblers
Farewell Blues

Album NL 1997 on Dureco Benelux label

PortraitThe Ramblers , *1926 NL
album by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Mooi HollandThe Ramblers
2ShiversThe Ramblers
3Jij Bent Voor MijThe Ramblers
4Paps Moet Leren SwingenThe Ramblers
5So What!The Ramblers
6Het Sprookje Is UitThe Ramblers
7Mambo JamboThe Ramblers
8SpikesThe Ramblers
9IstanbulThe Ramblers
10De Dolle MuzieklesThe Ramblers
11How It LiesThe Ramblers
12Strike Up The BandThe Ramblers
13Rumba RitaThe Ramblers
14Toy Toy BoogieThe Ramblers
15Hou Je Koest Daar!The Ramblers
16BarbaraThe Ramblers
17Love SomebodyThe Ramblers
18Black Boy ShuffleThe Ramblers
19Het Vuurtje van Een SigaretThe Ramblers
20Top Hat Boogie WoogieThe Ramblers
21GoodnightThe Ramblers
22Farewell BluesThe Ramblers
23Flying StarThe Ramblers
24There's Yes Yes In Your EyesThe Ramblers
25Bouncing In BavariaThe Ramblers
26Let It SnowThe Ramblers
27Ramblers Boogie WoogieThe Ramblers
28It's So EasyThe Ramblers
29Sensation Number OneThe Ramblers
30Rue Des RadisThe Ramblers
31Twelve O'clockThe Ramblers
32Swing Me To Sleep, DrummermanThe Ramblers
33Hij WelThe Ramblers
34BaccaraThe Ramblers
35Sous Mon ParapluieThe Ramblers
36Hilversum ExpressThe Ramblers
37AuroraThe Ramblers
38Muziek Voor MitzyThe Ramblers
39Fietsen Op De HeideThe Ramblers
40RouletteThe Ramblers
41Ik Wil Alles Voor Je DoenThe Ramblers
42Twee KlaverenThe Ramblers
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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The Ramblers - Farewell Blues NL 1997 Jazz
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