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Album Cover
The Revolutionaries
Don't Underestimate The Force. The Force Is Within You

Album US on J&L Records label
Reggae (Dub)

Recorded and remixed at Channel One. Cover printed in Canada

PortraitThe Revolutionaries , *1975 JM
album by
PortraitHerman Marquis sax, as, JM
alto saxophone
PortraitBertram "Ranchie" McLean b,
PortraitRobbie Shakespeare b, *1953 JM
bass, rhythm guitar
PortraitSly Dunbar dr, *1952 JM
PortraitAnsel Collins org, key, *1949 JM
PortraitRadcliffe "Dougie" Bryan g, voc, JM
lead guitar
PortraitNoel "Scully" Simms perc, cng, *1935 JM
PortraitLloyd Parks b, *1948 JM
PortraitRichard "Dirty Harry" Hall ts, JM
PortraitUziah "Sticky" Thompson perc, JM
PortraitErrol Nelson p, key,
PortraitRobbie Lyn key,
PortraitTommy McCook ts, sax, 1927-1998 JM
tenor saxophone
PortraitBobby Ellis tr, *1932 JM
Jamaal Pete artwork
Barnabas engineer
Ernest Hookim engineer
Lancelot "Maxie" McKenzie engineer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Genesis 1:11The Revolutionaries
2John 2:7The Revolutionaries
3Romans 8:4The Revolutionaries
4Malachi 1:11The Revolutionaries
5Ezekiel 29:13The Revolutionaries
6James 1:19The Revolutionaries
7Exodus 1:9The Revolutionaries
8Song Of Solomon 5:11The Revolutionaries
9Proverbs 22:17The Revolutionaries
10Peter 1:24The Revolutionaries
11Psalm 23:2The Revolutionaries
12Revelation 8:11The Revolutionaries
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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