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The Royal Guardsmen

Band, *1966 US
Rock and Pop

The Royal Guardsmen were a rock band from Ocala, Florida, a sextet composed of Bill Balough (bass), John Burdette (drums), Chris Nunley (vocals), Tom Richards (guitar), Billy Taylor (organ), and Barry Winslow (vocals/guitar).

Popular Tracks   
Snoopy's Christmas on Snoopy And His Friends The Royal Guardsmen by The Royal Guardsmen
Snoopy Vs. The Red Baron on Snoopy Vs. The Red Baron by The Royal Guardsmen
The Return Of The Red Baron on Return Of The Red Baron by The Royal Guardsmen
The Battle Of New Orleans on Snoopy Vs. The Red Baron by The Royal Guardsmen
Liberty Valance on Snoopy Vs. The Red Baron by The Royal Guardsmen
Airplane Song on Return Of The Red Baron by The Royal Guardsmen
It Kinda Looks Like Christmas on Snoopy And His Friends The Royal Guardsmen by The Royal Guardsmen
The Story Of Snoopy Vs. The Red Baron on Snoopy And His Friends The Royal Guardsmen by The Royal Guardsmen
Peanut Butter on Snoopy Vs. The Red Baron by The Royal Guardsmen
The Story Of Snoopy's Christmas on Snoopy And His Friends The Royal Guardsmen by The Royal Guardsmen

Track list and 30sec audio provided by

Band Membership

Title Artist Year Type
Snoopy Vs. The Red Baron / Snoopy And His FriendsThe Royal Guardsmen2001Compil.
The Return Of The Red Barron / Snoopy For PresidentThe Royal Guardsmen2001Compil.
AnthologyThe Royal Guardsmen1995Compil.
Merry Snoopy's ChristmasThe Royal Guardsmen1980Album
A Little Bit Of Soap / Baby Let's WaitThe Jarmels / The Royal Guardsmen1978Single
Snoopy's Greatest HitsThe Royal Guardsmen1978Compil.
Snoopy's Christmas / The Smallest AstronautThe Royal Guardsmen / Barry Winslow1978Single
Snoopy For President / Sweetmeats SlideThe Royal Guardsmen1976Single
Snoopy vs. The Red BaronThe Royal Guardsmen1973Single
Mother, Where's Your Daughter / Magic WindowThe Royal Guardsmen1969Single
Snoopy For PresidentThe Royal Guardsmen1969Single
Snoopy For PresidentThe Royal Guardsmen1968Single
Biplane "Evermore" / Baby Let's WaitThe Royal Guardsmen1968Single
Snoopy's Big 4The Royal Guardsmen1968Single
Snoopy For President / Down Behind The LinesThe Royal Guardsmen1968Single
I Say LoveThe Royal Guardsmen1968Single
ヤミー•ヤミー•ヤミー = Yummy, Yummy, YummyThe Royal Guardsmen1968Single
Snoopy For PresidentThe Royal Guardsmen1968Album
Baby Let's WaitThe Royal Guardsmen1968Single
I Say LoveThe Royal Guardsmen1968Single
WednesdayThe Royal Guardsmen1967Single
Airplane SongThe Royal Guardsmen1967Single
Snoopy Vs El Baron RojoThe Royal Guardsmen1967Single
Snoopy Versus The Red Baron / Snoopy's ChristmasThe Royal Guardsmen1967Single
Airplane Song (My Airplane)The Royal Guardsmen1967Single
Snoopy Vs. The Red BaronThe Royal Guardsmen1967Single
WednesdayThe Royal Guardsmen1967Single
The Return Of The Red BaronThe Royal Guardsmen1967Album
The Return Of The Red BaronThe Royal Guardsmen1967Single
Snoopy's Christmas / It Kinda Looks Like ChristmasThe Royal Guardsmen1967Single
Snoopy And His Friends The Royal GuardsmenThe Royal Guardsmen1967Album
Snoopy Vs. The Red BaronThe Royal Guardsmen1967Album
Snupi Protiv Crvenog Barona (Snoopy Vs. The Red Baron)The Royal Guardsmen1967Single
Snoopy Vs. The Red BaronThe Royal Guardsmen1966Single
Snoopy Vs. The Red BaronThe Royal Guardsmen1966Album
Snoopy Vs. The Red BaronThe Royal Guardsmen1966Single
Squeaky vs. The Black KnightThe Royal Guardsmen1966Single
Snoopy Vs. The Red BaronThe Royal Guardsmen1966Single
Snoopy Vs. The Red BaronThe Royal Guardsmen1966Single
Baby Let's WaitThe Royal GuardsmenSingle
Baby Let's Wait / Peanut ButterThe Royal GuardsmenSingle
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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