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Album Cover
The Shouting Matches

Album US 2008 on Amble Down Records label

Limited CD release at The Shouting Matches' Milwaukee and Minneapolis shows in 2013. Thanks: Phil Cook, Kyle Flater, Trevor Ives, Nick Meyer, Volume One, Joey G, Dan-O, Kitch, the House of Rock, Lindsay Sorge, The Vernons for the whiskey, The Moens, D.O.O.G, Gary Sheffield, God, Eau Claire and everybody at The Joynt.

PortraitThe Shouting Matches , *2006 US
album by
PortraitKyle Flater ,
Nick 'Rick' Meyer cover
Brian Moen design
Justin Vernon engineer, mastered by, mixed by
The Shouting Matches producer, barely produced by
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Another Man DoneThe Shouting MatchesTraditional1:40
2BearThe Shouting Matches4:55
3I Had A Real Good LoverThe Shouting Matches6:32
4Mother, When's The Judgment Gonna Come?The Shouting Matches3:38
5 House CallThe Shouting Matches4:53

30sec audio samples provided by

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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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