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Album Cover
The Sly And Unseen
All Similarities & Technical Difficulties End Here

Album UK 2015 on hibernate label
Electronic, Folk, World and (Ambient, Neofolk, Experimental, Drone)

Written and recorded at The Box Factory by Jonathan Lees and Katie English, Spring 2014. "Bishki-Bayu" spelling incorrect. "Bayushki-Bayu" it's correct name of russian lullaby song.

PortraitThe Sly And Unseen , GB
album by
PortraitJonathan Lees , GB
written by, recorded by
PortraitKatie English fl, vc, GB
written by, recorded by
Pam English artwork by
Ian Hawgood mastered by
Wil Bolton remix
Isnaj Dui remix
The Laborer remix
Leigh Toro remix
Danny Clay remix
Spheruleus remix
ISAN remix
Blk w/Bear remix
Memory Drawings remix
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Everything Has Always Been The SameThe Sly And Unseen3:40
2Here We Are, Here We AreThe Sly And Unseen5:06
3Cold Wind On Erringden MoorThe Sly And Unseen3:08
4GusenitsaThe Sly And Unseen3:59
5Tumbling Out Of Our HousesThe Sly And Unseen5:34
6Of The Field BeyondThe Sly And Unseen5:10
7String Tail FoxThe Sly And Unseen1:30
8White For Sarah CapellaThe Sly And Unseen3:07
9Nothing More Than Empty SmokeThe Sly And Unseen5:11
10Bishki-BayuThe Sly And Unseen5:41
11Everything Has Always Been The Same (Wil Bolton Remix)The Sly And Unseen4:36
12Here We Are, Here We Are (Live at Inkfolk)The Sly And Unseen6:28
13Cold Wind On Erringden Moor (Isnaj Dui Remix)The Sly And Unseen4:25
14Gusenitsa (The Laborer Remix)The Sly And Unseen5:17
15Tumbling Out Of Our Houses (Leigh Toro Remix)The Sly And Unseen5:32
16Of The Field Beyond (Danny Clay Remix)The Sly And Unseen4:38
17String Tail Fox (Spheruleus Remix)The Sly And Unseen4:49
18White For Sarah Capella (Isan Remix)The Sly And Unseen8:04
19Nothing More Than Empty Smoke (Blk w/Bear Joy & Grief Mix)The Sly And Unseen6:56
20Bishki-Bayu (Memory Drawings Remix)The Sly And Unseen4:32
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