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Album Cover
The Sydney String Quartet, Béla Bartók, Claude Debussy
The Sydney String Quartet Play Bartók And Debussy

Album AU 1976 on Cherry Pie label
Classical (Romantic, Modern)

A version of The Sydney String Quartet Play Bartók And Debussy Producers note: Due to the length of both works and in order to retain the original dynamic range of the master recording, track separation has not been provided between respective movements. The Sydney String Quartet records by the courtesy of the New South Wales Conservatorium of Music. Recording Facilities: Recording Hall, Sydney Opera House Past [sic] Production: Sydney Opera House

PortraitThe Sydney String Quartet , AU
album by
PortraitBéla Bartók p, 1881-1945 HU
album by, composed by
PortraitClaude Debussy p, 1862-1918 FR
album by, composed by
PortraitNathan Waks vc, *1951 AU
PortraitAlex Todicescu vl, perc,
PortraitDorel Tincu vn, perc,
Harry Curby
Brian Crowther design
Max Harding engineer
Geoff Swinburne photography
Donald Peart sleeve notes
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1String Quartet No. 5 (1934)The Sydney String Quartet, Béla Bartók, Claude DebussyBéla Bartók
2AllegroThe Sydney String Quartet, Béla Bartók, Claude Debussy7:16
3Adagio MoltoThe Sydney String Quartet, Béla Bartók, Claude Debussy5:41
4Scherzo - Alla BulgareseThe Sydney String Quartet, Béla Bartók, Claude Debussy5:00
5AndanteThe Sydney String Quartet, Béla Bartók, Claude Debussy5:11
6String Quartet (1893)The Sydney String Quartet, Béla Bartók, Claude DebussyClaude Debussy
7Animé Et Très DecideThe Sydney String Quartet, Béla Bartók, Claude Debussy6:00
8Assez Vif Et Bien RytméThe Sydney String Quartet, Béla Bartók, Claude Debussy3:36
9Andantino, Doucement ExpressifThe Sydney String Quartet, Béla Bartók, Claude Debussy7:35
10Très Mouvementé Et Avec PasssionThe Sydney String Quartet, Béla Bartók, Claude Debussy6:53
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