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Album Cover
The Whispertown 2000

Album US 2008 on Acony Records label
Rock (Indie Rock)

Recorded in Los Angeles at Stagg Street Studios, Thom's Home Studio, New Monkey Studio, and in Nashville at Woodland Studios except Mountain which was recorded and mixed in canyonstereo by Jonathan Wilson.

PortraitThe Whispertown 2000 ,
album by
Casey Wisenbaker
bass, drums, vocals
PortraitTod Adrian Wisenbaker g, b,
electric guitar, acoustic guitar, drums, bass, piano, vocals, harmonica, harp, written by
PortraitMorgan Nagler voc, g,
vocals, photography, interior photos, guitar, rhythm, written by
PortraitVanesa Corbala voc, tam, dr, perc,
vocals, tambourine, drums, percussion, whistling
PortraitRami Jaffee org, p, key, *1969 US
piano, organ
PortraitJason Boesel dr, voc, US
arranged by, back up arrangement
PortraitNick White key, p, *1981 US
PortraitDave Richardson ,
backing vocals, handclaps
PortraitMandy Richardson ,
backing vocals, handclaps
PortraitMegan Memmott ,
backing vocals, handclaps
PortraitJake Bellows voc, g, US
whistling, synthesizer
PortraitDavid Rawlings voc, g, US
PortraitGillian Welch voc, acg, *1967 US
PortraitJenny Lewis voc, bvoc, *1976 US
PortraitJonathan Wilson , *1974 US
organ, piano, electric guitar
John Harrington artwork, original album design
David Rawlings mixed by, producer, additional production
Shawn Everett mixed by
Autumn DeWilde photography by, cover photo
Isha Erskine producer, assistant, recorded by, assistant
Thom Monaham recorded by, producer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1103The Whispertown 2000
2Done With LoveThe Whispertown 2000
3Pushing OarsThe Whispertown 2000
4No DopeThe Whispertown 2000
5Old TimesThe Whispertown 2000
6Erase The LinesThe Whispertown 2000
7AtlantisThe Whispertown 2000
8Lock And KeyThe Whispertown 2000
9From The Start/JamboreeThe Whispertown 2000Morgan Nagler, Tod Adrian Wisenbaker
10Ebb And FlowThe Whispertown 2000Morgan Nagler, Tod Adrian Wisenbaker
11MountainThe Whispertown 2000
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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