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Album Cover
The Wilde Knights
Beaver Patrol

Compil. US 1984 on Voxx Records label
Rock (Surf, Garage Rock, Psychedelic Rock)

Main artists are displayed as 'The Wilde Knights A.K.A. Furys, Pipers IV, etc.' on front sleeve, as 'Wilde Knights' on Label A and as 'The Wilde Knights' on Label B. Track A1 is misspelled as 'Parchman Farm' on release. Track A3 is misspelled as 'Merryann' on release. Publishers for Tracks A2, A4 and A6 are displayed as 'National Bank of Songs/O.A.R.' on Label A. Publishers for Tracks B4 & B5 are displayed as 'National Bank of Songs/Ripcord' on Label B.

PortraitThe Wilde Knights , 1965-1965 US
album by
PortraitThe Furys ,
performer on track
PortraitThe Pipers IV ,
performer on track
PortraitGenesis ,
performer on track
PortraitThe King Biscuit Entertainers , 1968-1971 US
performer on track
Greg Shaw liner notes
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Parchment FarmThe Furys (6)Mose Allison
2Flop SideThe Furys (6)Ray Kennedy, Rich Brown, Richard Niska, Roger Huycke
3Mary AnnThe Furys (6)Ray Charles
4Beachin'The Furys (6)Ray Kennedy, Rich Brown, Richard Niska, Roger Huycke
5Florence Of ArabiaThe Pipers IVHoward Roberts, Paul Bryant
6Sand FleaThe Furys (6)Ray Kennedy, Rich Brown, Richard Niska, Roger Huycke
7I'll Be GoneThe Pipers IVRay Kennedy, Rich Brown
8Beaver PatrolThe Wilde KnightsRich Brown, Richard Dey
9Just Like MeThe Wilde KnightsRichard Dey, Roger Hart
10Tossin' & Turnin'The Wilde KnightsMalou Rene, Ritchie Adams
11Window Of SandGenesis (13)Darryl Manninen, Ray Kennedy
12Get Me To ChicagoGenesis (13)Darryl Manninen, Ray Kennedy
13Now, Baby I Love YouThe King Biscuit EntertainersRay Kennedy, Scott Ashley
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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The Wilde Knights - Beaver Patrol US 1965 Rock
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