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Album US 2012 on Goat River Productions label
Rock (Acid Rock)

Performances: Tracks 1, 2, 10, 11: 4/15/10, Sally O'Brien's, Somerville, MA Track 3: 1/21/06, Goatstock 2, Nave Gallery, Clarendon Hill Presbyterian Church, Somerville, MA Tracks 4, 6: 9/25/10, Goatstock 5, Nave Gallery, Clarendon Hill Presbyterian Church, Somerville, MA Track 5: 11/19/10, Precinct, Somerville, MA Track 7: 2/25/06, PA's Lounge, Somerville, MA Track 8: 3/31/06, Sky Bar, Somerville, MA Track 9: 6/17/06, Melrose Unitarian Universalist Church, Melrose, MA All songs © 2012 Tim Mungenast, Michael Bloom, Jon Proudman except 4 and 6 (add Karen Langlie) 2, 5, and 11 © Tim Mungenast 8 © Jon Proudman © ℗ 2012 Goat River Productions (ASCAP) Track times are as written on the rear cover, and differ slightly from those obtained by reading the CD in iTunes. Catalog# Goat River 005 appears on the spine and CD label art Catalog# GRP005 appears on the inside cover art

PortraitTimworld ,
album by
PortraitMichael Bloom b, bvoc,
bass, harmony vocals, layout, written by
PortraitJon Proudman dr,
drums, written by
PortraitTim Mungenast g, voc,
guitar, vocals, effects, pedalboard, written by
PortraitJohn DeGregorio g, sampler, b,
recorded by, mixed by, mastered by, compiled by, archiving
PortraitKaren S. Langlie vc,
cello, effects, looper, effects pedals, written by
PortraitKelly Goodshall ,
harmony vocals
Jillian Mungenast artwork, back & tray
Joany Proudman Selmer-Larsen artwork, front & disc
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
2Space GoatTimworldTim Mungenast2:37
4Making Scary New Gods Out Of Corn HusksTimworldJon Proudman, Karen S. Langlie, Michael Bloom, Tim Mungenast3:38
5SpinachTimworldTim Mungenast4:59
6Karen Lost In Middle Earth (Mist And Boulders)TimworldJon Proudman, Karen S. Langlie, Michael Bloom, Tim Mungenast11:08
7Moon TropismTimworld6:59
8Turok, The GoatherderTimworldJon Proudman9:14
11Mersault's BluesTimworldTim Mungenast10:47
External Links
Discogs Logo Discogs  iTunes Logo iTunes

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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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