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Album Cover

Single JP 2013 on Avex Trax label
Electronic and Pop (Synth-pop)

PortraitTohoshinki , KR
album by
PortraitH.U.B. , JP
lyrics by
PortraitShinjiroh Inoue ,
music by, arranged by, instruments, all
PortraitShirose ,
lyrics by, music by, arranged by, instruments, all
PortraitDJ First ,
music by, arranged by, instruments, all
PortraitShimada ,
music by, arranged by, instruments, all
Masaru Nakagawa art direction, design
Katsutoshi Yasuhara directed by
Yuka Koizumi mastered by
Naoki Yamada mixed by
Keita Nakada photography by
Hideaki Jinbu recorded by
Koji Matsuura director of photography
Tsuyoshi Inoue film director
Keisuke Nishikawa film producer
Yasuhiro Ueki film producer
Kenta Tanoue film director
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
2Wedding DressTohoshinkiH.U.B., Shirose4:30
3Ocean -Less Vocal-Tohoshinki5:14
4Wedding Dress -Less Vocal-Tohoshinki4:27
5Ocean -Video Clip-Tohoshinki
6Off Shot MovieTohoshinki
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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