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Band, *1984 SE, Hudiksvall Municipality
A.k.a. Anti-System (2)

Swedish hardcore punk band formed during the winter of 1984/1985, known for their manic d-beat style. Original line-up was: Poffen - vocals / Lanchy - guitar / Andreas - bass. Drummer Spennart joined the band a bit later but quit during the summer of 1986. He was replaced by Jörgen who was a guitarist originally. In 1987 Jörgen introduced Jesper, a friend whom with he had a two-piece band (TGU). He took over the drums and Jörgen started playing the second guitar. After releasing a string of 7''s the band went on hiatus in 1990. They also did a fanzine at that time called Antisystem. In 1994 Finn Records proposed a reforming of the band and released their first LP "Sin Egen Motståndare". Line-up this time was Poffen, Lanchy, Andreas and Jallo on drums. From '94 to 2000 the band continued to record but rarely played live. After releasing another LP, two split LP's (with Discmachine and Disclose) and a few singles they decided to disband again at the end of 2000. After 6 years without recording sessions, they returned to the studio one last time and Prank released their third LP "Vi Är Eliten".

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Track list and 30sec audio provided by

Band Membership

Title Artist Year Type
Vi Är ElitenTotalitär2007Album
Vi Är ElitenTotalitär2007Single
Tragedy / TotalitärTragedy / Totalitär2003Single
Wallbreaker 1986-1989Totalitär2003Compil.
Dropdead / TotalitärDropdead / Totalitär2002Single
Spela Bort Allt Du HarTotalitär2002Single
Allting Är På LåtsasTotalitär2002Single
Disclose / Totalitär - Split LPTotalitär / Disclose2001Album
Dom Lurar OssTotalitär2000Single
Totalitär / AutoritärTotalitär / Autoritär1999Single
Klass Inte RasTotalitär1998Single
Vansinnets HistoriaTotalitär1998Single
Ni Måste Bort!Totalitär1997Album
Split-LPTotalitär / Dismachine1995Album
Sin Egen MotståndareTotalitär1994Album
Snabb Livsglädje - Demo -86Totalitär1991Single
Vänd Dig Inte OmTotalitär1989Single
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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