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Album Cover
Ugly Duckling
The Leftovers

Album JP 2004 on Handcuts Records label
Hip-Hop/Rap (Conscious)

Tracks 9, 10 and Video are bonus tracks for the Japan release. 2004 Japan Tour promo sticker on cover of new/sealed CDs.

PortraitUgly Duckling , *1993 US
producer, written by, album by
PortraitAndy Cooper voc,
lead vocals, vocals, bad singing, voice, hapless employees, voice, former meatshake employees
PortraitDizzy Dustin , US
lead vocals, voice, hapless employees, voice, former meatshake employees
PortraitYoung Einstein ,
scratches, voice, hapless employees, voice, former meatshake employees
PortraitGrand Puba voc, *1966 US
lead vocals
PortraitJay Tan ,
voice, meatshake operator
PortraitDavid Wollock ,
voice, sissy complainer
PortraitUrsula Williams voc,
voice, breanna
PortraitTrish Henley ,
voice, veggie-friend
PortraitYasu ,
voice, japanese guy
PortraitTom Stover ,
voice, manager
PortraitJames Curran ,
graphics, created by
JAKe design, artwork, sleeve art
Chris Kelly recorded by
Greg Koller recorded by, mixed by
Jon St. James recorded by, mixed by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Get ReadyUgly Duckling
2Something's Going Down TonightUgly Duckling
3Complaint Line (Skit)Ugly Duckling
4Almond RochaUgly Duckling
5CelebrityUgly Duckling
6Breanna's Revenge (Skit)Ugly Duckling
7Ring The BellUgly Duckling
8You're Fired (Skit)Ugly Duckling
9Einstein's Brazilian TravelogueUgly Duckling
10Elevator MusicUgly Duckling
11A Beautiful Friendship (Skit)Ugly Duckling
12A Little Samba (The Forbidden Mix)Ugly Duckling
13Alligator sufletUgly Duckling
14Pick-Up Lines 2Ugly Duckling
15The Drive ThruUgly Duckling
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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