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Umbra Et Imago

Rock and Electronic

Umbra et Imago (lt.: "Shadow and Image") was formed in autumn 1991 and initially (first 2 albums) was a genuine dark electro wave gotik band; soonafter becomes a gothic metal-/Neue Deutsche Härte-band. In picking up Sigmund Freud's idea that sexuality was the center of our being they processed sadomasochistic fantasies though their cynic lyrics. The band is famous for incorporating BDSM acts and complex pyrotechnics into their live shows.


Band Membership

Title Artist Year Type
Die Unsterblichen - Das Zweite BuchUmbra Et Imago2017Album
Die UnsterblichenUmbra Et Imago2015Album
RadiosongUmbra Et Imago2014Single
Requiem Der NephilimUmbra Et Imago2014Single
Get OffUmbra Et Imago2014Single
20Umbra Et Imago2011Compil.
Davon Geht Die Welt Nicht UnterUmbra Et Imago2011Album
Ohne DichUmbra Et Imago2010Single
Opus MagnusUmbra Et Imago2010Album
Geist Ist GeilUmbra Et Imago2010Compil.
LiebesliedUmbra Et Imago2010Album
Past BizarreUmbra Et Imago2007Album
Gott Will EsUmbra Et Imago2007Album
Imago PictaUmbra Et Imago2006Album
Imago PictaUmbra Et Imago2006Album
The Early YearsUmbra Et Imago2005Album
Motus AnimiUmbra Et Imago2005Album
Sweet GwendolineUmbra Et Imago2004Single
Umbra Et Imago & Dracul (CD2)Umbra Et Imago & Dracul2004Album
Memento MoriUmbra Et Imago2004Album
2 Originals Of Umbra Et Imago (Mea Culpa / Dunkle Energie)Umbra Et Imago2003Album
The Best OfUmbra Et Imago2003Compil.
Umbra Et Imago (Коллекция Альбомов И Концертов) - 1Umbra Et Imago2003Compil.
Die Welt BrenntUmbra Et Imago2002Album
Die Welt BrenntUmbra Et Imago2002Album
Dunkle EnergieUmbra Et Imago2001Album
2 Originals Of Umbra Et Imago (The Hard Years - Live / Machina Mundi)Umbra Et Imago2001Album
Feuer Und LichtUmbra Et Imago Featuring Tanzwut2001Single
Коллекция Альбомов И КонцертовUmbra Et Imago2000Compil.
Mea CulpaUmbra Et Imago2000Album
Weinst Du?Umbra Et Imago Featuring Tanzwut1999Single
The Hard Years - Live Video 97/98Umbra Et Imago1998Album
Machina MundiUmbra Et Imago1998Album
The Hard Years (Das Live-Album)Umbra Et Imago1997Album
Kein Gott Und Keine LiebeUmbra Et Imago1997Single
Sex Statt KriegUmbra Et Imago1996Single
Sex Statt Krieg Tour Video 95/95 LiveUmbra Et Imago1996Album
Mystica SexualisUmbra Et Imago1996Album
Gedanken Eines VampirsUmbra Et Imago1995Album
Remember DitoUmbra Et Imago1994Album
Remember Dito Tour '94Umbra Et Imago1994Album
Infantile SpieleUmbra Et Imago1993Album
Träume, Sex Und TodUmbra Et Imago1992Album
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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