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Album Cover
Umlaut Big Band
Euro Swing Vol. 2

Album 2016 on Umlaut Records label
Jazz (Big Band, Swing)

Americans in Europe 1925-1940 Recorded February 23-27 2015

PortraitUmlaut Big Band ,
album by
PortraitAntonin-Tri Hoang as, cl, *1989 FR
alto saxophone, clarinet
PortraitBenjamin Dousteyssier as, bs, FR
baritone saxophone, alto saxophone, transcription by
PortraitGeoffroy Gesser ts, cl, FR
clarinet, tenor saxophone, soprano saxophone
PortraitPierre-Antoine Badaroux as,
conductor, producer, alto saxophone, soprano saxophone, liner notes, transcription by
PortraitSébastien Beliah cb, FR
double bass
PortraitAntonin Gerbal dr,
PortraitRomain Vuillemin ,
PortraitBruno Ruder ep, p, FR
PortraitJean Dousteyssier cl, *1990 FR
tenor saxophone, clarinet
PortraitFidel Fourneyron tb, tu, FR
PortraitMichaël Ballue tb,
PortraitNicolas Grymonprez tb,
PortraitBrice Pichard tr, FR
PortraitEmil Strandberg tr, SE
PortraitLouis Laurain tr, FR
Dominique Hamot artwork, design
Sven-Åke Johansson artwork, design
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Blue RoomUmlaut Big Band
2Hyde ParkUmlaut Big Band
3Swinging At The Chez FlorenceUmlaut Big Band
4Blue InterludeUmlaut Big Band
5Bull Foot StompUmlaut Big Band
6Honeysuckle RoseUmlaut Big Band
7Sax AppealUmlaut Big Band
8Shanghai ShuffleUmlaut Big Band
9Picadilly StrutUmlaut Big Band
10Sweet MadnessUmlaut Big Band
11Serenade To SwedenUmlaut Big Band
12I Wanna Go Places And Do ThingsUmlaut Big Band
13I'm Coming VirginiaUmlaut Big Band
14I Got RhythmUmlaut Big Band
15Farewell BluesUmlaut Big Band
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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