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Album Cover
Uncurbed / Society Gang Rape
Uncurbed / Society Gang Rape

Single DE 1996 on Yellow Dog Records label
Alternative (Hardcore, Punk)

Uncurbed: Recorded & mixed in Q-lturhuset 24/28 Aug 1996. Society Gang Rape: Recorded & mixed in Q-lturhuset Aug. 1996

PortraitUncurbed , 1990-2011 SE
lyrics by, music by, album by
PortraitSociety Gang Rape , SE
lyrics by, music by, album by
PortraitMichael Gunnarsson g, b, SE
PortraitJohan Jansson dr, voc, SE
PortraitConny Enström g,
PortraitNico Knudsen g, voc,
PortraitTerveet Kädet , 1980-2016 FI
lyrics by, music by
PortraitJens Törnroos voc,
PortraitTommy Berggren voc,
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1My WarUncurbed
2Abused And RapedUncurbed
3The Rope SongUncurbed
4Pissaa Ja PaskaaUncurbedTerveet Kädet
5Burn The LiarsSociety Gang Rape
6Regardless MassacreSociety Gang Rape
7MassdevastationSociety Gang Rape
8Fuck Chirac!Society Gang Rape
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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