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Van Morrison
Celebrities...At Their Worst! (Volume 3.1) - Van Morrison: The Contract-Breaking Sessions

Compil. US 1998 on Mad Deadly Worldwide Communist Gangster Computer God label

You know how Judy Garland got her own "Celebrities" volume? This single disc is entirely cussing-filled tirades of Van Morrison in the studio. He hated his label, Bang Records, but owed them one more release, so the session consists ENTIRELY of songs with lyrics like "I hate Bang Records/they're assholes/they ripped me off/wo wo/ etc. etc." Definitely worth being its own release, as Judy was.

PortraitVan Morrison voc, *1945 GB
vocals, album by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Twist And ShakeVan Morrison
2Shake And RollVan Morrison
3Stomp And ScreamVan Morrison
4Scream And HollerVan Morrison
5Jump And ThumpVan Morrison
6Drivin' WheelVan Morrison
7Just BallVan Morrison
8Shake It MabelVan Morrison
9Hold On GeorgeVan Morrison
10The Big Royalty CheckVan Morrison
11Ring WormVan Morrison
12Savoy HollywoodVan Morrison
13Freaky If You Got This FarVan Morrison
14Up Your MindVan Morrison
15Thirty TwoVan Morrison
16All The BitsVan Morrison
17You Say France And I WhistleVan Morrison
18Blow In Your NoseVan Morrison
19Nose In Your BlowVan Morrison
20La MamboVan Morrison
21Go For YourselfVan Morrison
22Want A DanishVan Morrison
23Here Comes Dumb GeorgeVan Morrison
24Chickie CooVan Morrison
25Do ItVan Morrison
26Hang On GroovyVan Morrison
27Goodbye GeorgeVan Morrison
28Dumb Dumb GeorgeVan Morrison
29Walk And TalkVan Morrison
30The WobbleVan Morrison
31Wobble And BallVan Morrison
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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