Singer / Composer of Pop, Folk, Spoken Word and Jazz
Famous comedy revue actor, composer, writer, singer Best known for his compositions : Țac-Țac-Țac (Morărița), Trurli, Trurli, Du-mă Acasă, Măi Tramvai ✰ Octomber 26, 1907, Huși, Vaslui County ✞ April 4th, 1944, București. Died in the Anglo-American Army bombing As revue comedy actor teamed up successful with Nicolae Stroe until his premature death As composer, in team with Nicolae Stroe, Puiu Maximilian and Ștefan Cristodulo composed many hits Had a son, Vasile V. Vasilache who became well known composer. He was raised by Elena Burchi (Vasiles's sister) Short Bio: He left the Faculty of Law shortly after graduating from High School, and enrolled in the Bucharest Music and Drama Conservatory, where he became the student of the famous actor Ion Manolescu After graduation of Conservatory, activated on vaious theatre company's and begin to work in team with George Groner Finally (somewhere 1926-1928) was employed at "Alhambra Theatre", where she met Nicolae Stroe with whom starting a successful artistic collaboration
Title | Artist | Year | Type |
Alo, Alo, Aici E Radio! (1932-1972) | Nicolae Stroe Și Vasile Vasilache | 2011 | Album |
Balada Sărbătorilor De Crăciun / Intoarcerea De La Expozitia Internaţională | Nicolae Stroe & Vasile Vasilache | 1937 | Album |
Viaţa La Ţară / Fă Săftico | Nicolae Stroe Şi Vasile Vasilache | 1936 | Album |
2 X 2 = 4 / Lambeth Walk | Nicolae Stroe si Vasile Vasilache | Album |