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Band, BR

One of the most innovative and experimental groups of 70's Brazilian Prog, Veludo appears to have evolved in 1974 from Veludo Electrico, a band that included some members of more well-known Brazilian groups, like Lulu Santos and Fernando Gama of Vimana.The initial core was keyboardist Elias Mizhrai, guitarist/violinist Paulo de Castro, ex-Bolha drummer Gustavo Schroeter and bassist Pedro Jaguaribe.The later was replaced at some point by Nelsinho Laranjeiras.Featuring a proggy and extremely complex sound, Veludo failed to attract the interest of music companies and their only documented live appearance at Teatro da Fundacao Getulio Vargas in 1975 during a Prog festival was captured due to some fans carrying tape recorders.I doubt that this performance was ever released on vinyl at the time, the only proper release of this performance comes from the 98' CD issue of Sonopress under the simplistic title ''Ao vivo''.

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O luar, a Pessoa & o Lugar on Penetrando por Todo Caminho Sem Fraquejar by Veludo
Buraco Profundo on Penetrando por Todo Caminho Sem Fraquejar by Veludo
O Monte on Penetrando por Todo Caminho Sem Fraquejar by Veludo
Tema das Aves on Penetrando por Todo Caminho Sem Fraquejar by Veludo

Track list and 30sec audio provided by

Title Artist Year Type
Penetrando Por Todo Caminho Sem FraquejarVeludo2016Album
Veludo Ao VivoVeludo1994Album
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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