1 | Farm And Homestead | Victor C. Lewis | | |
2 | Robin (Erithacus Rubecula Melophilus) | Victor C. Lewis | | |
3 | Blackbird (Turdus Merula) | Victor C. Lewis | | |
4 | Song Thrush (Turdus Philomelos) | Victor C. Lewis | | |
5 | Mistle Thrush (Turdus Viscivorus) | Victor C. Lewis | | |
6 | Blue Tit (Parus Caeruleus Obscuras) | Victor C. Lewis | | |
7 | House Sparrow (Passer Domesticus) | Victor C. Lewis | | |
8 | Tree Sparrow (Passer Montanus) | Victor C. Lewis | | |
9 | Swallow (Hirundo Rustica) | Victor C. Lewis | | |
10 | Starling (Sturnus Vulgaris) | Victor C. Lewis | | |
11 | Open Countryside | Victor C. Lewis | | |
12 | Skylark (Alauda Arvensis) | Victor C. Lewis | | |
13 | Woodlark (Lullula Arborea) | Victor C. Lewis | | |
14 | Tree Pipet (Anthus Trivialis) | Victor C. Lewis | | |
15 | Curlew (Numenius Aquata) | Victor C. Lewis | | |
16 | Meadow Pipet (Anthus Pratensis) | Victor C. Lewis | | |
17 | Yellowhammer (Emberiza Citrinella) | Victor C. Lewis | | |
18 | Linnet (Acanthis Cannabina) | Victor C. Lewis | | |
19 | Corn Bunting (Emberiza Calandra) | Victor C. Lewis | | |
20 | Cirl Bunting (Emberiza Cirlus) | Victor C. Lewis | | |
21 | Dartford Warbler (Sylvia Dartfordiensis Undata) | Victor C. Lewis | | |
22 | Woodland And Copse | Victor C. Lewis | | |
23 | Nightingale (Luscinia Megarhyncha) | Victor C. Lewis | | |
24 | Jackdaw (Corvus Monedula Spermologus) | Victor C. Lewis | | |
25 | Garden Warbler (Sylvia Borin) | Victor C. Lewis | | |
26 | Willow Tit (Parus Montanus) | Victor C. Lewis | | |
27 | Sparrow Hawk (Accipter Nisus) | Victor C. Lewis | | |
28 | Wood Pigeon (Columba Palumbus) | Victor C. Lewis | | |
29 | Green Woodpecker (Picus Virdis Pluvius) | Victor C. Lewis | | |
30 | Great Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopus Major Anglicus) | Victor C. Lewis | | |
31 | Long Tailed Tit (Aegithalos Caudatus Rosaceus) | Victor C. Lewis | | |
32 | Wren (Troglodytes Troglodytes) | Victor C. Lewis | | |
33 | Goldcrest (Regulus Regulus Anglorum) | Victor C. Lewis | | |
34 | Hobby (Falco Subbuteo) | Victor C. Lewis | | |
35 | Gravel Pit And Marshland | Victor C. Lewis | | |
36 | Black-headed Gull (Larus Ridibundus) | Victor C. Lewis | | |
37 | Sedge Warbler (Acrocephalus Schoenobaeus) | Victor C. Lewis | | |
38 | Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus Scirpaceus) | Victor C. Lewis | | |
39 | Kingfisher (Alcedo Atthis Ispida) | Victor C. Lewis | | |
40 | Sand Martin (Riparia Riparia) | Victor C. Lewis | | |
41 | Little Grebe (Podiceps Ruficollis) | Victor C. Lewis | | |
42 | Reed Bunting (Emberiza Schoeniclus) | Victor C. Lewis | | |
43 | Marsh Warbler (Acrocephalus Palustris) | Victor C. Lewis | | |