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Walter Boeykens, Toots Thielemans
The Clarinet Choir

Album BE 2000 on Coda label
Jazz and Classical

Numbered edition .../1000

PortraitWalter Boeykens cl, 1938-2013 BE
album by
PortraitToots Thielemans h, g, *1922 BE
album by, composed by
PortraitV. Onzal ,
arranged by
PortraitC. Savander ,
arranged by
PortraitEddy House as, cl, 1946-2011 BE
arranged by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Roemeense VolksdansenWalter Boeykens, Toots Thielemans
2Joeul Cu BataWalter Boeykens, Toots Thielemans
3BraulWalter Boeykens, Toots Thielemans
4Pe LoeWalter Boeykens, Toots Thielemans
5BuciumeanaWalter Boeykens, Toots Thielemans
6Poarga RomneaseaWalter Boeykens, Toots Thielemans
7MaruntelWalter Boeykens, Toots Thielemans
8MaruntelWalter Boeykens, Toots Thielemans
9Meeting TootsWalter Boeykens, Toots Thielemans
10Gymnopedie No 1Walter Boeykens, Toots ThielemansErik Satie
11VallfbredansWalter Boeykens, Toots ThielemansHugo Alfvén
12SommarsangWalter Boeykens, Toots ThielemansWilhelm Peterson-Berger
13BrazileiraWalter Boeykens, Toots ThielemansDarius Milhaud
14Andante CantibileWalter Boeykens, Toots ThielemansPyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
15Arrival Of The Queen Of ShebaWalter Boeykens, Toots ThielemansGeorg Friedrich Händel
16EpiloogWalter Boeykens, Toots ThielemansLars-Erik Larsson
17FantasiaWalter Boeykens, Toots ThielemansJohann Sebastian Bach
18BluesetteWalter Boeykens, Toots ThielemansToots Thielemans
19Marche Des Roratiens OstendaisWalter Boeykens, Toots Thielemans
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