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Wells Cathedral Choir

Band, GB

Choir which celebrated its 1100th birthday in 2009: boys first sang at Wells Cathedral in 909 and the full choral tradition dates back over 800 years. Today the choir consists of 18 boy choristers, 18 girl choristers and 12 Vicars Choral (the men of the choir).

PortraitRobin Williams
ob GB
PortraitDavid Ponsford
org *1948 GB
PortraitJonathan Vaughn
org *1981 GB
Popular Tracks   
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (Hymn) on Choral Evensong by Wells Cathedral Choir, Anthony Crossland & Andrew Nethsinga
Praise to the Holiest in the Height on Favourite Hymns From Wells Cathedral by Wells Cathedral Choir, Malcolm Archer, Rupert Gouch & Wells Cathedral School Brass Ensemble
Psalm 1 "Blessed Is the Man" on Psalms of David, Vol. 2: O Praise the Lord of Heaven by Wells Cathedral Choir, Christopher Brayne & Anthony Crossland
When morning gilds the skies on Favourite Hymns From Wells Cathedral by Wells Cathedral Choir, Malcolm Archer, Rupert Gouch & Wells Cathedral School Brass Ensemble
I Saw Three Ships on Dreaming of Christmas by Wells Cathedral Choir
Forty Days and Forty Nights (Aus der Tiefe) on The English Hymn 3 – Hills of the North, Rejoice by Wells Cathedral Choir, Martin Shaw, Rupert Gough, Henry Walford Davies, Malcolm Archer, Joseph Francis Thrupp, William Harold Ferguson, Martin Herbst, John Stainer, Johann Crüger, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Orlando Gibbons, Edward Miller, Arthur Henry Brown, Henry John Gauntlett, Robert Williams, Grayston Ives, John Bacchus Dykes, Johann Abraham Peter Schulz & David Evans
The day Thou gavest, Lord, is ended on Favourite Hymns From Wells Cathedral by Wells Cathedral Choir, Malcolm Archer, Rupert Gouch & Wells Cathedral School Brass Ensemble
Deck The Hall on A Wells Christmas by Wells Cathedral Choir, Jonathan Vaughn & Matthew Owens
Psalm 22 "My God, My God, Look upon Me" on Psalms of David, Vol. 2: O Praise the Lord of Heaven by Wells Cathedral Choir, Christopher Brayne & Anthony Crossland
Sussex Carol on A Wells Christmas by Wells Cathedral Choir, Jonathan Vaughn & Matthew Owens

Track list and 30sec audio provided by

Band Membership

Title Artist Year Type
Love Came Down At Christmas: Carols From Wells CathedralWells Cathedral Choir, Matthew Owens, Jeremy Cole2018Album
St Mark Passion; Missa Wellensis; Locus IsteJohn Joubert, Wells Cathedral Choir, Matthew Owens2017Album
Missa Wellensis & Choral WorksJohn Tavener / Wells Cathedral Choir, Matthew Owens2016Album
Choral MusicHerbert Howells, Wells Cathedral Choir, Malcolm Archer2014Album
Choral MusicWilliam Mathias, Wells Cathedral Choir, Matthew Owens2009Album
Christmas Carols From Canterbury And Wells CathedralsWells Cathedral Choir & Canterbury Cathedral Choir2004Album
'Jerusalem The Golden'Wells Cathedral Choir, Rupert Gough, Malcolm Archer2001Album
Dreaming Of ChristmasWells Cathedral Choir, Robert Karlsson1999Album
'Christ Triumphant'Wells Cathedral Choir, Rupert Gough, Malcolm Archer1999Album
Favourite Christmas Carols 8 Traditional Christmas CarolsSt. Paul's Cathedral Choir, Wells Cathedral Choir, Durham Cathedral Choir, Chester Cathedral Choir1999Compil.
A Babe Is Born - Music For ChristmastideWells Cathedral Choir1982Album
Music From Wells CathedralWells Cathedral Choir And String Ensemble From Wells Cathedral School1980Album
Christmas Carols From Wells CathedralWells Cathedral Choir1978Album
Wells Cathedral Choir In 1975Wells Cathedral Choir Directed By Anthony Crossland1975Album
Christmas Carols From Wells CathedralWells Cathedral Choir1972Album
Music for Mattins and EvensongWells Cathedral Choir Conducted By Denys Pouncey1968Album
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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