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Album Cover
Wesley Willis And The Dragnews
Joe Hunter

Album US 2000 on Wesley Willis Records label
Electronic and Rock (Rock’n’Roll, Abstract)

Solo release credited to "Wesley Willis And The Dragnews," a name used by Wesley on his later solo recordings.

PortraitWesley Willis And The Dragnews ,
album by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Broken SkinWesley Willis And The Dragnews2:41
2TSOLWesley Willis And The Dragnews2:50
3Red RiderWesley Willis And The Dragnews2:45
4Winnie PoohWesley Willis And The Dragnews2:55
5Boris SprinklerWesley Willis And The Dragnews2:53
6Joe HunterWesley Willis And The Dragnews2:55
7October 31Wesley Willis And The Dragnews2:50
8Suck An Ibex's DickWesley Willis And The Dragnews2:49
9Im BueWesley Willis And The Dragnews2:54
10Melissa FarranWesley Willis And The Dragnews2:53
11Demolition Doll RodsWesley Willis And The Dragnews2:48
12Matt HankaWesley Willis And The Dragnews2:56
13Seth PorgesWesley Willis And The Dragnews2:58
14Bad CompanyWesley Willis And The Dragnews2:50
15Lick A Horse's AssholeWesley Willis And The Dragnews2:53
16Eat A Doberman's DickWesley Willis And The Dragnews2:45
17Drink Kool-Aid In Camel PissWesley Willis And The Dragnews2:49
18Suck A Bulldog's DickWesley Willis And The Dragnews2:49
19Britney SpearsWesley Willis And The Dragnews2:50
2010 Years AfterWesley Willis And The Dragnews2:53
21White SnakeWesley Willis And The Dragnews2:58
22Penny RegimeWesley Willis And The Dragnews2:52
23Armored SaintWesley Willis And The Dragnews2:51
24Crack TorchWesley Willis And The Dragnews2:48
25The Ghostbusters Got BustedWesley Willis And The Dragnews2:57
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