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Album Cover
Westminster Concert Orchestra
The Nursery Rhyme Family

Single UK 1959 on HMV Junior Records label
Children's Music and Soundtrack

PortraitWestminster Concert Orchestra ,
orchestra, album by
PortraitMike Sammes Singers , 1950-1980 GB
PortraitJohn Gregory , *1924 GB
PortraitAnthea Askey , 1899-1999 GB
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1The Grand Old Duke Of YorkWestminster Concert Orchestra
2Girls And BoysWestminster Concert Orchestra
3Tom, Tom The Piper's SonWestminster Concert Orchestra
4See Saw, Margery DawWestminster Concert Orchestra
5Lucy Locket Lost Her PocketWestminster Concert Orchestra
6Simple SimonWestminster Concert Orchestra
7Baby Baby BuntingWestminster Concert Orchestra
8Peter PiperWestminster Concert Orchestra
9Polly Put The Kettle OnWestminster Concert Orchestra
10Peter PiperWestminster Concert Orchestra
11Little Jack HornerWestminster Concert Orchestra
12Solomon GrundyWestminster Concert Orchestra
13Wee Willie WinkieWestminster Concert Orchestra
14Tweedledum And TweedledeeWestminster Concert Orchestra
15Little Polly FlindersWestminster Concert Orchestra
16There Was A Crooked ManWestminster Concert Orchestra
17Girls And BoysWestminster Concert Orchestra
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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