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Album Cover
Whetstone Run
No Use Frettin'

Album US 1984 on Red Dog Records label
Country (Bluegrass)

PortraitWhetstone Run , US
album by
PortraitMarshall Wilborn b, voc, US
acoustic bass, harmony vocals, lead vocals, written by
PortraitLynn Morris voc, bj, *1948 US
banjo, tenor vocals, guitar, written by
PortraitMike Gorrell voc, g,
guitar, harmony vocals, lead vocals, written by
PortraitLee Olsen man,
mandolin, tenor vocals
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1No Love LeftWhetstone RunBuck Owens2:10
2Forever And A DayWhetstone RunMike Gorrell2:35
3Happy I'll BeWhetstone RunVern Williams2:27
4When The Springtime Comes AgainWhetstone RunMarshall Wilborn2:47
5Slim Chance Of Loving YouWhetstone RunMike Gorrell2:15
6Talking About That Old Time ReligionWhetstone Run3:37
7A Penny SavedWhetstone RunLynn Morris2:08
8Wishing Well BluesWhetstone RunMarshall Wilborn2:40
9Pick And HoldWhetstone RunDon Reno1:45
10I'll Take Them With MeWhetstone RunMarshall Wilborn2:41
11No More SadnessWhetstone RunMarshall Wilborn2:20
12Sweet MelindaWhetstone RunDavid MacKechnie, Steve Gillette2:21
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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