1879-1930 US
American lyricist (December 1, 1879 – April 26, 1930) Whitson was born in Goodrich, Tennessee and died in Nashville, Tennessee. She is best remembered for the songs "Meet Me Tonight in Dreamland" (1909) and "Let Me Call You Sweetheart" (1910), both becoming one of the largest selling songs in sheet music. In 1913, Whitson and her family moved to Nashville, Tennessee, where she and her sister, Alice, continued to write. Beth Slater Whitson wrote short stories.
Craig Whitson bvoc, dr Rock and Pop |
Matt Whitson voc, b Rock and Alternative |
David Whitson tb GB |
Mike Whitson |
David Whitson acg |
Karen Whitson vn US |
Kristine Whitson vn Classical |
Jake Whitson |
Tyra Whitson |
Kirsten Whitson vc |
Shane Whitson |
Colin Whitson |
Bruce Whitson vl, str Classical |
June Whitson p Country |
Estel Whitson |
Delbert Whitson |
Steven Whitson |
Martin Whitson |
Brian Whitson And The Night Wolves |
Margaret Whitson p |