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Wilhelm Grosz

p, 1894-1939 AT, Vienna
Musician / Composer / Conductor of Classical
A.k.a. Hugh Williams (2) Peter DeGooreynd

Born: 11th August 1894, Vienna, Austria. Died: 10th December 1939, New York City, USA. Austrian composer, pianist & conductor. Writer of popular songs and a co-writer with Jimmy Kennedy on popular tunes, such as "Isle Of Capri" and "Harbour Lights". Grosz is sometimes credited as "Will Grosz" or "Hugh Williams" (2). Grosz fled the Nazi regime in 1934 and settled in the UK. He also wrote operas, music for ballet and scored a number of works for film soundtracks.

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Track list and 30sec audio provided by

Title Artist Year Type
Afrika SongsWilhelm Grosz – Matrix Ensemble, Robert Ziegler1997Album
Moment Musical / Vojenský PochodWilhelm GroszAlbum
Aquarellen-Walzer / Der SorgenbrecherWilhelm Grosz, Ultraphon-Sinfonie-OrchesterAlbum
Kubelikova Serenáda / SouvenirWilhelm GroszAlbum
Povídky Z Vídeňského LesaJohann Strauss Jr., Berliner Philharmoniker Řídí Wilhelm GroszAlbum
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