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Album Cover
Wilhelm Stenhammar, Sven-David Sandström, Mikael Edlund, Zetterqvist String Quartet
Stenhammar Sandström - Edlund

Album SE 1997 on Opus 3 Records label

Recorded April-May 1997

PortraitWilhelm Stenhammar p, 1871-1927 SE
album by, composed by
PortraitSven-David Sandström , *1942 SE
album by, composed by
PortraitMikael Edlund , *1950 SE
album by, composed by
PortraitZetterqvist String Quartet ,
ensemble, liner notes, producer, album by
PortraitEwa Rydström vc,
PortraitKjell Malmberg, AV-Utveckling key,
design, electronic
Matt Harrison
liner notes, translated by
PortraitHåkan Olsson vl,
PortraitMats Zetterqvist vn, *1954 SE
PortraitPer Sporrong vn, b, SE
Jan-Eric Persson engineer, mastered by, producer
Katarina Budrys photography
Moona Björklund photography
Anders Roth photography, cover
F:a Ljudinspelning production manager
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1String Quartet No.6 In D Minor Op.35 (1916)Wilhelm Stenhammar, Sven-David Sandström, Mikael Edlund, Zetterqvist String QuartetWilhelm Stenhammar
2Tempo Moderato, Sempre Un Poco RubatoWilhelm Stenhammar, Sven-David Sandström, Mikael Edlund, Zetterqvist String Quartet7:14
3Allegro VivaceWilhelm Stenhammar, Sven-David Sandström, Mikael Edlund, Zetterqvist String Quartet2:45
4Poco AdagioWilhelm Stenhammar, Sven-David Sandström, Mikael Edlund, Zetterqvist String Quartet7:07
5PrestoWilhelm Stenhammar, Sven-David Sandström, Mikael Edlund, Zetterqvist String Quartet5:56
6String Quartet No.3 (1987)Wilhelm Stenhammar, Sven-David Sandström, Mikael Edlund, Zetterqvist String QuartetSven-David Sandström
7Molto Espressivo, Con ForzaWilhelm Stenhammar, Sven-David Sandström, Mikael Edlund, Zetterqvist String Quartet2:14
8Tranquillo FluenteWilhelm Stenhammar, Sven-David Sandström, Mikael Edlund, Zetterqvist String Quartet3:40
9Agitato/BrutaleWilhelm Stenhammar, Sven-David Sandström, Mikael Edlund, Zetterqvist String Quartet2:37
10Eleganza Poco Liberamente - Canto ElegicoWilhelm Stenhammar, Sven-David Sandström, Mikael Edlund, Zetterqvist String Quartet5:52
11"Brains And Dancin'"Wilhelm Stenhammar, Sven-David Sandström, Mikael Edlund, Zetterqvist String QuartetMikael Edlund18:40
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