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Album Cover
Will Tura

Album BE 1976 on International Bestseller Company label

A Palette production Comes with a free 1977 calendar.

PortraitWill Tura voc, *1940 BE
album by, written by
PortraitNelly Byl , 1919-2011 BE
adapted by, dutch lyrics, written by
PortraitVan Aleda , BE
adapted by, dutch lyrics, written by
RKM photography
Jean Kluger producer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1SneeuwmanWill TuraLouis Baret, Van Aleda, Will Tura
2KarnavalWill TuraNelly Byl, Will Tura
3Regen StroomtWill TuraMarc Swido, Will Tura
4Maartse Buien, Aprilse GrillenWill TuraNelly Byl, Will Tura
5Lieve MoederWill TuraNelly Byl, Van Aleda, Will Tura
6Geen Zomer Zonder JouWill TuraNelly Byl, Van Aleda, Franck Gérald, Will Tura
7ZonneschijnWill TuraNelly Byl, Will Tura
8Gelukkige VerjaardagWill TuraNelly Byl, Van Aleda, Will Tura
9Eerste SchooldagWill TuraJean Kluger, Nelly Byl
10Laat De Wind Maar WaaienWill TuraJean Kluger, Nelly Byl
11Mijn WinterroosjeWill TuraNelly Byl, Franck Gérald, Van Aleda, Will Tura
12Rond De KerstboomWill TuraKe Riema, Van Aleda, Will Tura
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